Welcom ToReliable Biotech International LLP Wellness
Reliable Biotech International LLP is a company established in 2021 by Anamika Rani & Vikash Jairath who is the Director of the company.
Reliable Biotech International LLP™ india is today a leading Products where the most modern technology is used for the processing of medicines.
It products a range of more than 600+ Products, which are Mannufacturing & Marketing under the company Act.
Now the company enjoys a wide range of reputation for the best quality of its products and have earned a reputation for quality and effectiveness.
Quality Reliable Biotech International LLP™ Products Quality input is of immense importance for any process to achieve desired results.
Keeping this principle in mind we follow stringent code for ensuring the highest quality of raw material for our production.
The tested raw material/extracts used for production. Whole of the production process is completed under the guidance & supervision of qualified & experienced team.
Final product is forwarded to govt. testing laboratory for ensuring the highest quality of international standard.
Our unit is also certify by AYUSH, HALAL, KOSHER, ISO, WHO-GMP.